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Countdown zur Final Crisis 4 - Band 3 von 6: Die Vereinbarung / Wilde Mädchen / Neue Horizonte / Familienfehde / Das Land Jenseits / Und jetzt: Forager! / Grosses und kleines Unheil / Auf halben Weg zur Hölle / Aufruhr in der Tiefe

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Serie: Mixed
Number: 3 von 6
Date: 07/2008
Publishing House: DC Comics
Publisher: Panini Comics
Hardcover: No
Variant Cover: No
Cover Status: ok
My price in US$: 29,12
ISBN: 419770171995203
Actual condition: 1 (sehr gut)
Reprint: Yes
US Original: Countdown 33: Let's Make a Deal / Countdown 32: Girls Gone Wild / Countdown 31: New Frontiers / Countdown 30: Family Feud / Countdown 29: Another Country Heard From / Countdown 28: Now, Forager! / Countdown 27: Disasters Great & Otherwise / Countdown 26: Halfway to Hell! / Countdown 25: Bedlam Below
US Number: 33, 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25
US Date: 09/2007, 10/2007, 11/2007
Writer: Paul Dini, Adam Beechen, Tony Bedard, Sean KcKeever, Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti
Painter: Keith Giffen, Carlos Magno, Al Barrionuevo, Manuel Garcia, Jesus Sais, Ron Lim
Inker: Jay Leisten, Art Thibert, Rodney Ramos, Jimmy Palmiotti, Mark McKenna, John Stanisci
Colors: Tom Chu, Hi-Fi, Rod Reis, Pete Pantazis
Box: 15
Language: german

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