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Superman Time-Warp Schachtel 1 & 2

Click for big picture
Serie: Superman
Number: 001,002
Date: 1998
Publishing House: DC Comics
Publisher: Dino Comics
Hardcover: No
Variant Cover: No
Cover Status:
My price in US$: 0,00
Actual condition: 1 (sehr gut)
Reprint: Yes
US Original:
US Number:
US Date:
Painter: Paul Ryan, José Marzan Jr., Mike Zeck, Ralf Paul, Alex Ross
Box: 05
Notes: Superman Classic Poster A4 / Superman blue Poster A4 / Aufsteller #19: Superman + Supergirl / Poster Superman/Batman A3+ (join with Batman Time-Warp) / includes 6 Superman-Stickers / invlucdes 6 Cards: Superboy, Supergirl, Lex Luthor, Riot, Maxima, Metallo

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