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L'Uomo Impossibile / Una visita ai Fantastici Quattro / L'incredibile Hulk / I Fantastici Quattro contro il Fantasma Rosso e le sue indescrivibili super-scimmie! / Sub-Mariner e ir Burattinaio / La battaglia die Fantastici Quattro...il Pensatore e il suo terribile androide / Il micro-mondo del Dottor Destino! / Sconfitti dal Dottor Destino! / Uno Skrull cammina tra noi! / Prigioneri del Faraone! / Il misterioso Uomo Molecola!

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Serie: Fantastic Four
Number: Grandi Eroi Marvel 5
Date: 1990
Publishing House: Marvel Comics
Hardcover: Yes
Variant Cover: No
Cover Status:
My price in US$: 4,25
Actual condition: 2 (gut)
Reprint: Yes
US Original: The Fantastic Four 11:The impossible Man / A visit with the Fantastic Four / The Fantastic Four 12:The incredible Hulk / The Fantastic Four 13:The Fantastic Four versus The Red Ghost and his indescribable Super-Apes! / The Fantastic Four 14:Sub-Mariner and the merciless Puppet Master / The Fantastic Four 15:The Fantastic Four battle the Mad Thinker and his Awesome Android! / The Fantastic Four 16:The Micro-World of Doctor Doom! / The Fantastic Four 17:Defeated by Doctor Doom! / The Fantastic Four 18:A Skrull walks among Us! / The Fantastic Four 19:Prisoners of the Pharaoh! / The Fantastic Four 20:The Mysterious Molecule Man!
US Number: 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20
US Date: 1963
Writer: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
Painter: Jack Kirby
Inker: Dick Ayers, Steve Ditko
Colors: Glynis Oliver
Box: 11
Language: italian
Notes: collection of Issue 11-20 of the Fantastic Four (Golden Age Comics)

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